Paratuberculosis, also known as Johne´s disease, is a major problem in cattle and sheep herds worldwide.
The contagious infection of the small intestine is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), which often leads to chronic and some times fatal infections in ruminants. MAP is a suspected causative agent in human Crohn´s disease.
The ParaTB kit is a fast, low-cost and easy-to-use method for the detection MAP. Directly from feces samples, swabs from feces/rectum, or swabs from the environment (e.g. boot swabs) the ParaTB kit contains material for Fecal/Swab DNA extraction using a simple 96 deep-well-based extraction protocol (alternative using single tubes) and qPCR mix pre-aliquoted in 8-strip tubes fitting your instrument.
Product Sheet
Safety Data Sheet
ISO 13485 Certificate
Paratuberculosis or Salmonella dublin among highly
ELISA-positive cows."
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