Listeria Velox
Listeria is widespread in the environment and it can be found frequently in raw foods, making it a major concern worldwide. Especially Listeria Monocytogenes is responsible for serious and severe foodborne diseases. When it comes to Listeria testing speed and accuracy are vital to ensure food safety.
Introducing Listeria Velox, a fast and efficient method for detecting Listeria spp. and Listeria Monocytogenes simultaneous in foods. Listeria Velox is certified (NordVal 058) for testing the following sample categories: 1) raw meat, poultry and fishery products, 2) ready-to-cook, ready-to-reheat and ready-to-eat meat, poultry and fishery products, 3) environmental samples.
With a new fast enrichment step, a simple 96 deepwell-based extraction protocol followed by a fast, sensitive and highly specific qPCR reaction, the entire protocol from sample to result can be carried out in just 20 hours (including enrichment).
Listeria Velox provides a ready-to-use, easy to implement test system and are compatible with most major qPCR bands.
Nordval Certificate
Safety Data Sheet
ISO 13485 Certificate
Introducing Listeria Velox, a fast and efficient method for detecting Listeria spp. and Listeria Monocytogenes simultaneous in foods. Listeria Velox is certified (NordVal 058) for testing the following sample categories: 1) raw meat, poultry and fishery products, 2) ready-to-cook, ready-to-reheat and ready-to-eat meat, poultry and fishery products, 3) environmental samples.
With a new fast enrichment step, a simple 96 deepwell-based extraction protocol followed by a fast, sensitive and highly specific qPCR reaction, the entire protocol from sample to result can be carried out in just 20 hours (including enrichment).
Listeria Velox provides a ready-to-use, easy to implement test system and are compatible with most major qPCR bands.
Product SheetNordval Certificate
Safety Data Sheet
ISO 13485 Certificate

LV384T/ Listeria Velox kit 384, 2 mL tubes (384 tests). Content: Listeria Velox Broth; granulate for 12 x 5 L, Listeria Velox Bags; 400 pc., Listeria Velox Lysis Buffer 1; 4 x 25 mL, Listeria Velox Lysis Buffer 2; 2 x 10.8 mL, Listeria Velox additive for Lysis buffer; 2 x 1.2 mL Listeria Velox qPCR mix; 4 x 96-wells, 2 mL tubes; 400 pc, 96-well plates (0.2 mL); 4 pc, Optical lids; 4 x 96.
LV384D/ Listeria Velox kit 384, Deep Wells (384 tests). Content: Listeria Velox Broth; granulate for 12 x 5 L, Listeria Velox Bags; 400 pc., Listeria Velox Lysis Buffer 1; 4 x 25 mL, Listeria Velox Lysis Buffer 2; 2 x 10.8 mL, Listeria Velox additive for Lysis buffer; 2 x 1.2 mL Listeria Velox qPCR mix; 96-well plates (0.2 mL); 4 pc, Optical lids; 4 x 96, Sealing tapes for deep well plates.
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Please don't hesitate to contact us to learn more about our products.
Please don't hesitate to contact us to learn more about our products.
DNA Diagnostic A/S
Phone: +45 8732 3050
Phone: +45 8732 3050